Friday, February 22, 2013

First AAEM Podcast: Listen Today!

Emergency Physician Advocates: Medical-Legal Issues in Emergency Medicine -- Due Process Rights

AAEM Podcasts

Larry Weiss, MD JD FAAEM, Professor of Emergency Medicine and past president of AAEM, discusses the single most important practice right you have as an emergency physician -- your right to due process. Dr. Weiss details the definition of "due process," the source of those rights, and makes the case for why you should closely screen your contract for infringements of your due process rights, and obtain proper legal counsel. Intro music by Kämmerer, "Take Left" from the album "Rhodes to Wisdom," powered by JAMENDO.

Please leave comments below. 


  1. Is there an RSS feed for the podcast?

  2. Scott,

    Yes there is. You can access it here:

    These podcasts will soon be available on iTunes as well. Please check back for updates.

  3. An update for you, Scott:

    These podcasts are now available on iTunes:


  4. Listener question on Twitter: “@aaeminfo I heard the first podcast. Question: Does AAEM have an example of a good standard contract on the website?”

    Dr. Larry Weiss: "Answer: AAEM does not have a model contract form. As an organization, we do not practice law and cannot offer specific legal advice. However, if you look at our fairness standards, which you can readily find on our website, they will provide guidance on what we consider as fair practice."
