Tuesday, November 26, 2013

#AAEM14 Registration Now Open!


Registration is now open for the 20th Annual Scientific Assembly! February 11-15th, 2014, New York Hilton Midtown
Register today to join us in NYC. Limited spots are available for preconference courses, so be sure to register early to reserve your spot.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Four Important Deadlines this Week!

It's a busy week! We are quickly approaching 4 important deadlines:

Thursday 11/14: 
Friday 11/15: 
Watch for Scientific Assembly registration opening next week! 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

New Podcast: Emergency Physician Advocates - Due Process Survey of EPs


Emergency Physician Advocates: Due Process Survey of EPs
Joseph Wood, MD JD MAAEM FAAEM, Vice Chair of Emergency Medicine at Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, and past-president of AAEM, interviews fellow past-president, Robert McNamara, MD FAAEM, Professor and Chairperson of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Temple University, about the recently published survey of EPs regarding due process, financial pressures, and the ability to advocate for patients.

Or listen on the AAEM website.
Leave your comments below!

On due process:
"You are supposed to first be a patient advocate ... it's not only protecting your job, it's letting you practice the way you should. You're supposed to first be a patient advocate - and that is heightened in EM. Without due process - what we're being told in this survey and what we know through other things in the Academy - is that you can't do that. You can do that most effectively is you feel you are on thin ice." 
- Robert McNamara, MD FAAEM
AAEM Past President

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thank You to our 100% Groups!

We would like to recognize and thank the following ED groups for participating in our 2013 100% and 2/3 Group Membership. We sincerely appreciate the enthusiastic and continuous support of these physicians and their groups.

AAEM 2013 100% ED Group Membership
AAEM 2013 ED Group Membership
AAEM/RSA 2013-2014 100% Residency Programs

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

AAEM Members to be Featured on "Untold Stories of the ER"

Mark your calendars! AAEM members Dr. David Meyers and Dr. Sudip Bose will be sharing stories on this season's premiere of "Untold Stories of the ER" on Sunday, October 6, 9:00pm EST on Discovery Fit & Health and Saturday, October 12, 9:00pm EST on TLC. (Times may vary, check local listings).

Read the teasers of what to expect in the episode from Dr. Meyers & Dr. Bose below!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Join Us! 20th Annual Scientific Assembly - Highlights


Scientific Assembly Highlights
Michael L. Epter, DO FAAEM
Chair, Education Committee

“Start spreading the news … I want to be a part of it New York, New York …”

Scientific Assembly 2014 is almost here! This premier educational event will take in the Big Apple at the New York Hilton Midtown, February 11-15th, 2014. As we draw nearer, it’s never too early to start getting excited about Scientific Assembly — so let’s do it! The highlights presented below culminate the work of a simply outstanding educational team and committee work. Here’s a sneak peak at what promises to be fantastic event that has come to define our organization.

Preconference offerings on February 11th and 12th include:
  • Resuscitation for Emergency Physicians 
  • Health Care Reform: Is Your ED Prepared? The Operations Management Perspective — presented by the Operations Management Committee 
  • Introductory Ultrasound 
  • Advanced Ultrasound 
  • High Risk Electrocardiography 
  • Living the Tactical Life: Lessons and Skills from Tactical Military Medicine — jointly sponsored by USAAEM 
  • Pediatric Emergency Department Simulation: Critical Skills from Delivery to Stepping on the School Bus! 
Given the successes of the format of the 2013 Scientific Assembly and to further increase the opportunities for networking, the 2014 program will incorporate an additional half day and will begin on February 12th at 1pm....

Monday, September 9, 2013

New Podcast: Hypothermia for Post-Cardiac Arrest Patients with Spontaneous Return of Circulation


Hypothermia for Post-Cardiac Arrest Patients with Spontaneous Return of Circulation
David Farcy, MD FAAEM FCCM, Chairman, Department of Emergency Medicine at Mount Sinai Medical in Miami Beach, Florida, speaks with David Gaieski, MD, Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at the Perelman School of Medicine of University of Pennsylvania. Drs. Farcy and Gaieski discuss hypothermia for post-cardiac arrest patients with return of spontaneous circulation.

Part 1: In part 1 of this series, the discussion covers why hypothermia is so important for these patients, a review of landmark articles, as well as inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Part 2: In part 2 of this series, the discussion covers the nuts and bolts of the hypothermia process. Discussion points include: controlling shivering, major physiological and hematological effects, the re-warming process, and the future of hypothermia.

Leave your comments below!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

New Podcast: Emergency Physician Advocates - Cell Phone Ban Policies

Cedric Dark, MD MPH
Nii-Daako Darko, DO MBA

Emergency Physician Advocates: Legal and Policy Issues in Emergency Medicine
In this Policy Prescriptions® edition of the podcast, Cedric Dark, MD MPH, Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Emergency Medicine Residency Program at Baylor University, speaks with Nii-Daako Darko, DO MBA, Trauma Surgeon at the University of Pittsburgh, Altoona, about cell phone ban policies and review of current literature on the subject. Intro music by Kämmerer, "Take Left" from the album "Rhodes to Wisdom," powered by JAMENDO.

Additional Resources:
Policy Prescriptions® - Do Cell Phone Bans Work?
Insurance Institute for Highway Safety - Map of Cellphone and Texting Laws

Leave your comments below! 

Friday, August 30, 2013

Advanced Release: September/October Common Sense

Read it before it hits your mailbox! 
  • AAEM Presidents Message: "A Call to Serve"
  • From the Editor's Desk: "Participation"
  • Washington Watch 
  • Blast from the Past 
  • Business of Emergency Medicine: "The Benefits of Physician Ownership" 
  • NEW: Through the Patient's Eyes: "Delivering Life Changing News" 
  •  Cracking the Code: Fixing the Crowded Emergency
    Department, Part 1 — Building the Burning Platform
  • RSA President's Message, RSA Editor's Letter, Medical Student Council President's Message
Advocacy Day Photos
Scientific Assembly Preview! 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

New! Operations Management Podcast: Throughput and Patient Flow

Throughput and Patient Flow
Mark Graban, MS MBA, author of the books Lean Hospitals, Healthcare Kaizen, and The Executive Guide to Healthcare Kaizen, interviews Joseph Guarisco, MD FAAEM, ED Chair at Ochsner Hospital (New Orleans, LA) and Chair of the AAEM Operations Management Committee.

Part 1: Critical Drivers for Improving the ED
In part one of this episode, Mr. Graban and Dr. Guarisco discuss reasons for emergency department difficulties with throughput & patient flow and outline the critical drivers for improving the ED. They outline a conceptual breakdown of the ED and creating an agenda for change.

Part 2: Solutions for the ED 
In part two of this episode, Mr. Graban and Dr. Guarisco discuss solutions to address this difficult area of management and implications for the ED. They outline queuing theory, the concept of variance, and the split-flow model.


Leave your comments below!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Two New Episodes: Emergency Physician Advocates - The Liability Crisis & The EM Action Fund

The Emergency Physician Advocates: Medical-Legal Issues in Emergency Medicine

Or listen on the AAEM website. 

July Episode: The Liability Crisis 
Larry Weiss, MD JD FAAEM, Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and past-president of AAEM, discusses what he refers to as the worst professional problem for physicians, the liability crisis in medicine. In this episode, Dr. Weiss addresses the following questions: Do we have a liability crisis? If so, why? And what can we do about this problem?

August Episode: EM Action Fund 
Larry Weiss, MD JD FAAEM, Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and past-president of AAEM, speaks with AAEM board president, William Durkin, Jr., MD MBA FAAEM, about the Emergency Physicians Action Fund.

Leave your comments below! 

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Call for Nominations: 2014 Awards and Elections


Nomination Deadline: November 14, 2013, Midnight CT  

AAEM encourages candidates for election to the board of directors who have a previous record of service and commitment to the Academy.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

NEW Critical Care Podcast: ScvO2 vs. Lactate Clearance in Early Goal Directed Therapy

Critical Care in Emergency Medicine

ScvO2 vs. Lactate Clearance in Early Goal Directed Therapy 

AAEM Podcasts: Critical Care in Emergency Medicine
Or listen on the AAEM website.

David Farcy, MD FAAEM FCCM, Chairman, Department of Emergency Medicine at Mount Sinai Medical in Miami Beach, Florida, speaks with Michael Winters, MD FAAEM, Associate Professor of EM and IM at the University of Maryland. Drs. Farcy and Winters discuss ScvO2 versus lactate clearance in early goal directed therapy its application in patient treatment. The discussion covers a review of landmark articles and well as recent literature. Intro music by NICOCO, "Quiberon," from the album "Nicoco," powered by JAMENDO.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

AAEM Endorsed Bill on School Access to Emergency Epinephrine Unanimously Passes House Committee

7/31/13: UPDATE: H.R. 2094 has advanced with overwhelming support in the House of Representatives, and will advance to the Senate. 

View a copy of the bill.   

Read coverage of this story from Forbes Magazine.

July 18, 2013
Contact: Laura Burns


AAEM Endorsed Bill on School Access to Emergency Epinephrine
Unanimously Passes House Committee

MILWAUKEE — The American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) is proud to announce that the School Access to Emergency Epinephrine Act (H.R. 2094) has unanimously passed the House Energy and Commerce Committee and will be considered by the full House in the next two weeks.

The bill encourages states to adopt policies that increase access to epinephrine in schools to protect students who are at risk of fatal anaphylaxis, a systemic allergic reaction.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Call for Feedback: Participate in a Brief Survey on SGR Legislation

AAEM members,

AAEM is committed to giving emergency physicians a voice on Capitol Hill. With the assistance of our lobbying firm, Williams & Jensen, we have been closely following the issue of the Standard Growth Rate (SGR) and now we need your assistance. The House Energy & Commerce and House Ways & Means Committee Republicans have drafted proposed SGR legislation. The Committee has requested feedback from stakeholders in their legislative process. This is an opportunity to have your voice heard. They have asked that feedback be provided by early next week. They expect many of the stakeholder comments to address the two proposed payment scenarios for the Update Incentive Program that is included in the legislation (see below for summary).

Please take a moment to respond to this brief survey
by Monday, July 8th.

Issue Summary
Current Law
Under the current Medicare Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) formula, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) calculates a target for spending on physician services based on four

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Advanced Release: July/August 2013 Common Sense


- President’s Message: AAEM President Out Advocating for EM!
- From the Editor’s Desk: Outrage 
- Letters to the Editor
- Washington Watch: Summer Legislative Update
- Blast from the Past 
- Founder’s Forum: Requiem for an "ER Doc" 
- Law and Emergency Medicine  
- (Un-)Advice for the New Graduate

- AAEM/RSA President’s Message
- Resident Editor’s Letter 
- Resident Journal Review: Updates in ED Management of Trauma Patients 
- Medical Student Council President’s Message

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Introducing Two NEW Podcasts!

AAEM is pleased to introduce two new podcast series! Critical Care in Emergency Medicine and Emergency Medicine Operations Management. Each series will take on the issues of the day in emergency medicine with informed discussion and expert guests.

These two new series join the existing AAEM podcast, Emergency Physician Advocates: Medical Legal Issues in Emergency Medicine.

Critical Care in Emergency Medicine
David Farcy, MD FAAEM FCCM, Chief of Emergency Medicine at Mount Sinai Medical in Miami Beach, Florida, speaks with national and international experts in the field of critical care in emergency medicine. Join us each month for insights on a timely topic of importance for emergency physicians.
  • Episode 1: Review of the Updated Surviving Sepsis Campaign (May 31, 2013)
    David Farcy, MD FAAEM FCCM, Chief of Emergency Medicine at Mount Sinai Medical in Miami Beach, Florida, speaks with Tiffany Osborn, MD MPH FACEP, Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine and Acute and Critical Care Surgery at Barnes-Jewish Hospital. Drs. Farcy and Osborn discuss the recent update of the Surviving Sepsis Campaign and its application in patient treatment. Discussion points include: lactate clearance, vasopressors, blood transfusions, and steroids.  
Leave comments below!

Emergency Medicine Operations Management 
In this podcast series, Joseph Guarisco, MD FAAEM and Tom Scaletta, MD FAAEM, discuss operations management issues for the emergency physician. Dr. Guarisco is the chair of the Operations Management Committee of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) and Dr. Scaletta is past president of the organization. Join them each month as they discuss issues of importance to emergency physicians.
  • Episode 1, parts 1&2:  Emergency Department Patient Satisfaction Part 1 (June 3, 2013)
    Joseph Guarisco, MD FAAEM, ED Chair at Ochsner Hospital (New Orleans, LA) and Chair of the AAEM Operations Management Committee, speaks with Tom Scaletta, MD FAAEM, President, Smart-ER; ED Chair at Edward Hospital (Naperville, IL); and Past President of AAEM. In this episode, Drs. Guarisco and Scaletta discuss various issues related to emergency department patient satisfaction. Discussion points include: measurement and drivers of patient satisfaction, incentives for physicians, insights for leadership, and the how the changing landscape of health care will effect patient satisfaction moving forward.
Leave comments below!

Monday, June 3, 2013

June Podcast: Emergency Physicians and the ACA

EP Advocacy Issues in the ACA: Emergency Physician Advocates - Medical-Legal Issues in Emergency Medicine

AAEM Podcasts

Larry Weiss, MD JD FAAEM, Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and past-president of AAEM, discusses emergency physician advocacy issues in the Affordable Care Act, the most significant event to occur in your career. Discussion points include: expansion of private insurance, statewide health benefit exchanges, expansion of Medicaid, work-force issues and Accountable Care Organizations. Intro music by Kämmerer, "Take Left" from the album "Rhodes to Wisdom," powered by JAMENDO.

Listen on the AAEM website. 

Please leave comments below! 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

AAEM Stands with First Responders in Oklahoma; How You Can Help Too

Please help us spread the information on how you can help the recovery efforts in Oklahoma.  

In light of the devastating tornadoes that have affected Oklahoma and the surrounding area, the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) would like to send our thoughts and prayers to everyone who has suffered losses in the wake of this storm.

AAEM President, William Durkin, MD MBA FAAEM, notes that “We applaud the work of the dedicated first responders, emergency personnel, and volunteers who are still working to rescue and treat victims of the storm. Rescuers will be facing long hours and dangerous conditions as the efforts continue, and we would like to express our solidarity with these brave individuals.”

AAEM has pledged a donation to the American Red Cross to help in the recovery efforts.

How to Help
People who wish to make a donation have several options to do so.
You can support American Red Cross Disaster Relief, which helps provide food, shelter and emotional support to those affected by disasters like the recent tornadoes in Oklahoma and Texas as well as disasters big and small throughout the United States by visiting redcross.org, dialing 1-800-REDCROSS, or texting “REDCROSS” to 90999 to make a $10 donation.

People in Oklahoma near the tornado area are encouraged to connect with one another and let loved ones know that they are safe. This can be done through the “I’m Safe” feature on the free Red Cross tornado app. In addition, if you have access to a computer, go to redcross.org/safeandwell to list yourself as safe. If not, you can text loved ones or call a family member and ask them to register you on the site.

The Salvation Army is also currently mobilizing disaster response units to serve hard-hit areas in Central Oklahoma, including Moore and South Oklahoma City. The Salvation Army is welcoming cash donations that will help provide food, water, ice, and other necessities in the initial response.
The Salvation Army is also providing emotional and spiritual comfort to those affected.

Donors are encouraged to give online at www.SalvationArmyUSA.org or by calling 1-800-SAL-ARMY (1-800-725-2769). You can also text the word “STORM” to 80888 to make a $10 donation through your mobile phone; to confirm your gift, respond with the word “Yes.”

The American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) is the specialty society in emergency medicine today. As an organization, AAEM believes achievement of board certification represents the only acceptable method of attaining recognition as a specialist in emergency medicine.
For more information, please visit www.aaem.org or call 800-884-2236.
Connect with AAEM: www.aaem.org/connect.  

Please help us spread the information on how you can help the recovery efforts in Oklahoma. 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

New! May Podcast: Asset Protection for Emergency Physicians

Asset Protection - Emergency Physician Advocates: Medical-Legal Issues in Emergency Medicine

AAEM Podcasts

 Joseph Wood, MD JD MAAEM FAAEM, Vice Chair of Emergency Medicine at Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, and past-president of AAEM, discusses asset protection for emergency physicians. Dr. Wood walks you through three hypothetical cases and alerts you ways to structure your assets for maximum protection under the law. He also touches on liability insurance, medical malpractice insurance, and possible schemes you may encounter. .Intro music by Kämmerer, "Take Left" from the album "Rhodes to Wisdom," powered by JAMENDO.

Listen on the AAEM website.

Please leave your comments below!

Friday, May 3, 2013

May is Stroke Awareness Month

May is Stroke Awareness Month. Both physicians and the general public can participate to increase awareness.

For our members and other emergency physicians, we encourage you to submit public comments to The American Heart Association/American Stroke Association (AHA/ASA) Stroke Performance Oversight Committee, regarding performance measures for acute ischemic stroke (see below).

For the public, we encourage you you to brush up on your awareness of recognizing stroke symptoms and knowing what steps to take in case of that emergency (see below).

Friday, April 12, 2013

Enhance your Leadership Skills with AAEM & ACPE!

We are excited to announce AAEM's new partnership with the American College of Physician Executives (ACPE)! We have reached an agreement whereby our members will receive the ACPE member rate on any of their course offerings when you login through the AAEM portal found on the member's only page. ACPE offers many courses in business principles, leadership and management.

Hear from ACPE President, Dr. Lawrence Riddles, welcoming AAEM members:

"As a group, emergency physicians are naturals for leadership positions within their hospitals. We interact with all specialties daily, we know the strengths and weaknesses of the facility, and we interact with the administration, nursing, and ancillary services as well. I urge all of you to take a look at the ACPE course offerings and take advantage of this new liaison."
-William T. Durkin, Jr., MD MBA FAAEM
AAEM President, 2012-2014

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April Podcast Episode: Restrictive Covenants

Restrictive Covenants - Emergency Physician Advocates: Medical-Legal Issues in Emergency Medicine

AAEM Podcasts

Larry Weiss, MD JD FAAEM, Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, and past-president of AAEM, discusses restrictive convents in emergency physician contracts. Dr. Weiss discusses this common problem in emergency physician contracts and details what these covenants typically entail. He outlines the circumstances where a court may enforce a restrictive covenant, and describes how AAEM has directly advocated for individuals subjected to unfair restrictive covenants. Intro music by Kämmerer, "Take Left" from the album "Rhodes to Wisdom," powered by JAMENDO.

Listen on the AAEM website.

Please leave your comments below!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Have you accessed JEM recently?

The Journal of Emergency Medicine (JEM) is the official journal of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM). JEM is an international, peer-reviewed publication featuring original contributions of interest to both the academic and practicing emergency physician. JEM includes research papers and clinical studies as well as articles focusing on the training of emergency physicians and on the practice of emergency medicine. As AAEM's official journal, a subscription to JEM is included in the membership dues of each member.* AAEM actively encourages its membership to contribute editorial material for publication in JEM.

The AAEM membership list is private; however, your name and address is provided to Elsevier, the publisher of the official AAEM journal - the Journal of Emergency Medicine (JEM), so you can receive this member benefit. If you prefer not to receive this member benefit, please email us at info@aaem.org. (Should you decide to decline this member benefit, there is no discount in your member dues amount.)

* International members receive an online subscription only. If you prefer to receive JEM in both paper and electronic format, a subscription upgrade is available for an additional $34 per year. To upgrade your JEM subscription now, please click here.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Happy Birthday AAEM!


Common Sense, March/April 2013

Andy Walker, MD FAAEM
Editor, Common Sense
AAEM Board of Directors

The American Academy of Emergency Medicine turns twenty this year, and Common Sense will honor that milestone in several ways. In this and future issues throughout 2013, you will find two new features: “Blast from the Past” and “The Founders’ Forum.” “Blast from the Past” will reprint highlights and whole articles from early editions of Common Sense, among other historical tidbits. “The Founders’ Forum” will feature articles from the two emergency physicians who founded the Academy, Jim Keaney and Scott Plantz, as well as some of those who helped create AAEM’s bylaws and mission statement during its first year (see the photo in this issue’s “Blast from the Past”).

Many things about AAEM have changed over the past 20 years. The Academy is much bigger, of course, with just over 7,000 members. Common Sense is published six times a year instead of once, and each issue is about five times bigger than those early issues. Despite attempts by many during its first few years to characterize it as a fringe organization populated by malcontents, AAEM is now widely admired as occupying the ethical high ground in emergency medicine, and looked to for leadership on controversial issues in our specialty. It has influence far beyond its size.