Friday, September 26, 2014

Save the Date!

VIIIth Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress 
September 4-9, 2015
Rome, Italy
More Information Coming Soon
The VIIIth MEMC is jointly organized by the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM), the Global Research on Acute Conditions Team (GREAT) Network & the Mediterranean Academy of Emergency Medicine (MAEM). In conjuction with the Italian GREAT Network Conference — organized by the GREAT Network.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

New! Online CME Now Available!

Introducing: Online CME from AAEM! 

Save Time

Earn CME credit anywhere, anytime! Available on Windows PC, Mac, iPhone, and Android - online learning optimized for your convenience.

Save Money

Special discounted CME rate for AAEM members. Members have the choice to view the content for free (with no CME certificate) or view the content with CME for a discounted price. Learn more about your viewing and certificate options.

Outstanding Content

AAEM brings you content from top clinician-educators in EM. The 2014 AAEM Scientific Assembly is the premier clinical conference in emergency medicine. Log-in today to view the 2014 Scientific Assembly online and save the date to join us in Austin in 2015!
  • Online videos feature both the speaker and the slide presentation simultaneously.
  • Streamlined website for easy navigation.
  • Save your spot and come back later to complete the full activity.

More on the way!

The 2014 AAEM Scientific Assembly is currently available, with more AAEM educational programs coming in the near future. Be sure to check back soon for more CME opportunities.

Keep the Benefits Coming
Thank you for being a member of AAEM and for your commitment to quality emergency medicine education. Plan ahead for 2015 and renew your AAEM membership today!
  • Use those left over CME funds to extend your AAEM membership into 2015.
  • Full voting multi-year memberships are now available for up to 10 years of membership but not to exceed your board certification date.
For more information or to extend your membership today, please contact us at (800) 884-2236 or email

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Update from the President: Progress in California

I have recently participated in several media interviews where I raised AAEM's concerns regarding Tenet Health's plan to replace its independent emergency medicine, hospitalist, and anesthesiology groups in California with a national physician staffing company.

AAEM feels this would be highly disruptive to its hospitals and could compromise quality of care. These media interviews had much exposure in the local press and helped Tenet and the community to better understand our concerns. On September 5th, I participated in a conference call with Tenet Health leadership, an attorney for the Coalition for Quality Hospital Care, and the California ACEP President Dr. Osmundson. During the call, Tenet's leadership informed us they were no longer considering using one national physician staffing company for all of the involved California practices.

In addition, Tenet committed that they would begin contract renewal negotiations with the independent emergency medicine groups staffing its California hospitals, and attempt to partner with them to achieve their goals of better coordinating care across services. We are encouraged by these positive developments. We will continue to work closely with the involved independent emergency medicine groups and monitor this evolving process.

During the call, a position supported by California-ACEP (that it does not favor any physician group practice model over others) was erroneously attributed to AAEM as well (per a follow-up letter from Tenet). AAEM has always endorsed practice models based on fairness, transparency, financial equity, physician autonomy, and the best possible care of patients - qualities that we believe are exemplified by independent, local, democratic, physician-owned medical groups. AAEM responded with a follow-up letter to Tenet Health's Western Region CEO.

Take care,

Mark Reiter, MD MBA FAAEM
President, American Academy of Emergency Medicine

Friday, September 5, 2014

Austin City, No Limits
View from the Podium

I am excited about what’s happening as we plan our 21st Scientific Assembly, scheduled for February 28 through March 4, 2015 at the Hilton Austin in the Texas Capital. First and foremost, our invited keynote speaker has accepted our invitation to speak. Simon Carley, Professor of Emergency Medicine at Manchester Metropolitan University, Consultant in Emergency Medicine, and co-founder of the BestBets website ( and the St. Emlyn’s website ( in mythical Virchester will visit with us in Texas. Dr. Carley has published more than 100 papers related to disaster medicine, diagnostics, evidence base medicine, and medical education. He is associate editor of the Emergency Medicine Journal and co-director of the Master of Science in Emergency Medicine program at Manchester Metropolitan University. He will give three talks, including our keynote session on “Evidence, Data, Belief, Denial and Cognitive Delusion: How Do We Really Practice Emergency Medicine.”

The second exciting bit of news is the development of a separate subcommittee to develop the immensely popular pecha kucha (PK) (chit-chat) sessions. The group chair is Joelle Borhart, MD FAAEM, of Georgetown. You may have heard Joelle speak at prior Scientific Assemblies. She is joined by Gentry Wilkerson, MD FAAEM, from the University of Maryland, and the husband-wife team of Zachary Repanshek, MD, and Jennifer Fisher-Repanshek, MD, from Temple University in Philadelphia. Zack was the 2012 AAEM Resident of the Year. The final member is Siavash Sarlati, MD, from LSU/Charity, who was a resident winner of the 2014 YPS Open Microphone Session in New York City.